Olivet Teen Mission

OTM Upcoming Weekly Training to Focus on Teen Retreat Preparation

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Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) international chapters have since the start of March changed from monthly meetings to weekly meetings in order to receive more tailored guidance and consistent training. The upcoming meeting this Saturday will have the chapters focus on preparing events and retreats, specifically for the Easter season.

Upon the meeting, OTM international chapters will be guided and encouraged to prepare and hold an Easter retreat for their region. It is important that they try their best to invite teens to these retreats, whether it be held by OTM separately, or in union with the local church. OTM headquarters wants to give guidance on how to hold retreats, touching topics of structure, theme, schedule, and organization. At the same time, HQ will offer tips and advice for reaching and raising teens.

The emphasis of the retreats will be that it should be teen-focused, able to reach the teens at their level. This is especially important for the delivery of the Word. The Word is the core foundation of Christian faith, how to deliver messages and hold activities in a teen-centered approach is another topic the meeting will discuss.

Chapter leaders will also go over and review the National Leaders’ Daily Work Guide provided by OTM HQ. From this, they will be encouraged to place their focus once more on the daily standards that are listed in the guide, and with hope, God will work from there.

May all preparations for the weekly meetings be carried out smoothly under the guidance of God. May these times be times of grace where OTM chapters can be encouraged and strengthened through uniting together and diligently coworking with God.

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