Olivet Teen Mission

Chapters Worldwide Committed to Holding Diverse Activities

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Olivet Teen Mission chapters continue to be guided to have consistent programs in order that teens always have the opportunity to meet the Lord. The main programs that HQ emphasizes are weekly activities, monthly events, and one-on-one.

Weekly program
This can be a weekly outreach activity that is very interesting to the local teens. Examples could be music, cooking, and language class. Other types of weekly programs can be for those who are spiritually thirsty for meeting God. This activity would have Bible study, discussion, and games.

Monthly Event
This type of program is to help teens and staff to get to know each other more. It’s a type of fellowship event that runs longer than usual and can be more relaxed. Examples of these include a tour of the city, museum visit, eating meals, and sports. Another example for teens who are growing more in the Word, is a monthly retreat which can focus heavily on the Word, fellowship, and prayer.

Teens especially need one-on-one time with Christ-centered adults. They can open their hearts much more when in an intimate setting rather than a group setting. They express their personal struggles and difficulties as well as questions about their faith. This is the way to help counsel them and really meet God while forming strong relationships with adults that they can rely on.

Please pray that chapters can truly implement these programs, clinging to the Lord for strength, love, and courage so that all teens around the world can be saved one day sooner.

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