Olivet Teen Mission

OTM Intl Calls Chapters to Pray for Teens during Passion Week

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Olivet Teen Mission International called leaders worldwide to pray and intercede for teenagers in this significant passion week, not losing the heart of saving young people from the darkness of this world. Especially this week is very important, the spiritual atmosphere is very different, so each leader was invited to pray increasingly at this time. God can truly bring hurting and hopeless teens to Him, He works through the prayer. 

OTM HQ highlighted the testimony of one U.S. chapter leader. The leader shared she was very depressed in high school but could gain hope when visiting a church. Through reading her old journal she found out that she began to receive hope towards the season of Lent and Easter. She could not speak to anyone about her depression because no one understood, but going to church helped her gain new hope. By the end of the summer, she gave her life to God in prayer and was evangelized by a Christian campus fellowship in September on her first day of attending her university.

Prayer is significant in evangelizing souls. Just as the field is being prepared for the seed to be planted, the hearts of men needs to be worked on to receive the Word of God fully. God listens to the prayer for sure and works through them to bring the prepared people.

In Acts 10 the story of Apostle Peter and Cornelius is recorded. First, God came to Cornelius in prayer, saying that all his prayers and offerings to the poor have been heard. Secondly, God shared a vision to Peter, preparing him to enter the house of Cornelius who was a Gentile. Prayer is essential for evangelism and unity among ministers. 

OTM leaders are urged to remember that teens are very sensitive and receptive to the Word. Even though evangelism faces new challenges at this time, leaders ought to prepare the season of harvest with prayer and to seek God’s guidance for the mission to the youth.

OTM International calls each minister to not let this significant time pass but to grasp the quality of time and to earnestly pray for teens worldwide to be evangelized. 

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