Olivet Teen Mission

OTM Chapters Start Lenten Walk Globally to Meet the Lord

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On February 22, Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) members and volunteers around the world are participating in a Lenten walk. They have set the determination to meditate on the Lord’s cross this Lent in order to more greatly experience His resurrection towards Easter.

The Cross can be foreign to our hearts that have been soaked with the worldly culture and, therefore, sincere and continual meditation of the Cross of Jesus Christ is necessary. This meditation allows our hearts to be broken down to follow the heart and way of Jesus. That is why all chapters are being guided to meditate on the Word of God through Lenten devotionals. In addition to this, daily prayer is encouraged in order to ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes more deeply to the meaning of the Cross.

OTM members are reading an OTM Lenten material with reflection questions. In addition to this, OTM members are encouraged to join the Friendship Evangelism Challenge. This Challenge is to encourage all members to pray 5 minutes daily towards Easter for one friend to be evangelized.

Prayers are requested that OTM chapters will be greatly transformed by the cross of Jesus Christ during this Lenten season. May they come to meet the resurrected Lord personally and in their ministries.

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