Olivet Teen Mission

OTM Online Chapter Training Equips Leaders to Reach, Teach, Disciple Teens

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Every week of March, Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) International is holding a Chapter Leader training online to equip each person to reach, teach, and disciple teens more effectively. Volunteers are attending this training in order to be established into leaders who will guide numerous teens on the path of faith. Leaders are going to the Lord. Chapters from the regions of the United States, Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Asia Pacific are joining this special training. 

On March 7, OTM International held their first training of the year with their chapter volunteers. The first topic discussed was on teaching the Bible to teens.

In this first session, an overview of the training was provided as well as reviewing the importance of it. Then, OTM shared about the ministry vision. This was in order to allow potential leaders to have a better understanding of the ministry they are a part of.

Next, a lecture and workshop was given. The lecture, titled “Proclaiming God’s Word,” reviewed the necessity to preach the Word of God to teens and the importance of the Word for our lives. The workshop “How to Teach the Bible to Teens,” explained OTM’s strategy in delivering Bible studies to teens using their own Bible materials.

In their second week of training of training on evangelism. It was a strengthening time that chapters could unite and gain instruction on evangelism.

First, there was an evangelism lecture highlighting the calling that all believers have in following the Great Commission to spread the Gospel and not keep it to themselves. Volunteers were urged to inherit the dream of Jesus of building the Kingdom of God here on earth. It was emphasized that chapters ought to remember that it takes time to raise souls until the end, leading them with love and patience.

Lastly, there was a workshop on practically how to evangelize with the strategy of OTM. Step-by-step instructions were given on how to evangelize onsite and online. A key point was emphasizing having a regular program schedule that includes a Group Bible Study, Retreat, and Fellowship so teens know a clear schedule which can help invite their friends as well. It was especially emphasized that leaders prepare themselves through the Word and prayer in order to feed many souls.

On March 25, OTM continued their third week of Chapter Leader Training reviewing discipleship. Through this, chapters could look at what the Bible says on shepherding as well as review OTM’s strategy on discipling teenagers. 

The first part was a Biblical Lecture on Shepherding and Discipleship. Various passages were looked at reviewing how the Lord shepherded with deep serving and sacrifice. It was especially emphasized to guide teens with the Word of God instead of our own love or power.

Secondly, was a workshop, From Newcomer to Leader, chapters could go over the initial method of shepherding according to OTM’s strategy. The workshop explained the first steps from when one teen first comes to join Bible studies until they become a Student Leader.

The fourth and final week of training will be focused on administration such as planning, goal setting, website, and more. 

May all chapters gain passion and fervor with the help of the Holy Spirit to evangelize and disciple many teenagers to the Lord through this training!

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